
Alla inlägg under mars 2015

Av They is trying to kill me - 12 mars 2015 10:47

Governments around the world regularly decide to pick a fight with each other and send their young men and women off to war. But there’s usually one major obstacle to commencing battle and that’s you, the public. There are some tried and tested tactics for convincing the majority that war is a really great idea and this is our spotter’s guide to five of the most commonly used ones. Suggest some more in the comments and let us know what you think about our list.



Av They is trying to kill me - 11 mars 2015 16:03

Det här med Ego är rätt intressant, plocka bort det och ni kommer snart börja må bättre.

"The EGO works very hard to convince us that we are not worthy of enlightenment."

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Av They is trying to kill me - 11 mars 2015 15:55

21 år av rättsfall....

Han dömdes för köp av sex av en minderårig flicka och förbjöds från att någonsin återvända till politiken.
Nu får Silvio Berlusconi ändå göra just det. En domstol i Italien har hävt det tidigare domslutet.

Silvio Berlusconi har varit Italiens premiärminister i tre omgångar (1994–1995, 2001–2006 och 2008–2011). Samtidigt har han varit misstänkt i en rad rättsfall och dömts till fängelse flera gånger om. För det mesta har han dock friats, antingen efter överklaganden eller för att processerna tagit så lång tid att brotten preskriberats.
Berlusconi själv framställer sig som ett offer för domare som vill tvinga bort honom från politiken.
Berlusconi fick i fjol en definitiv dom om skattefusk och förlorade därmed sin plats i parlamentet. Han fick då fyra år i fängelse som straff, men det omvandlades till samhällstjänst.

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Vänsterpartiet har skickat svenska biståndspengar till pro-ryska ukrainska separatister.

Aftonbladet kan i dag avslöja att minst 219 000 kronor gått till organisationen Borotba i Ukraina.
Hundratusentals kronor har förts över till ledarens flickväns privata konto.
Organisationen har kopplingar till president Vladimir Putin och medlemmar som strider i östra Ukraina mot regeringen i Kiev.

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Era älskade politiker gör det gång på gång på gång, ni sitter bara på era arslen som ingenting.

Av They is trying to kill me - 11 mars 2015 09:37

Lebanon’s Al Jadeed TV host Rima Karaki cut short an interview with Hani al-Seba’I, a London-based Sunni Muslim scholar, after he told her to shut up and that it was beneath him to be interviewed by a woman.

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"Yediot Ahronot, an Israeli newspaper, has quoted Mujtaba du Al-Nour, a senior leader in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, as saying that Iran can destroy Tel Aviv in 6 minutes if attacked by Israel. “If the Zionist regime was confident about its victory in the war, it would have initiated, but it is not strong enough to do that so it’s only threatening. Our missiles can arrive into the heart of Tel Aviv and destroy it in 6 or 7 minutes before the dust and smoke of the Zionists missiles arrive to us…Israelis are cowards; they cannot fight Hamas, while the strength of Hamas and Hezbollah is equal to a small part of Iran’s military power,” Mujtaba said."

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Av They is trying to kill me - 10 mars 2015 21:13

Det är så klockrent, rapportera om en byggnad som dom säger har raserat men det sker först 20 minuter senare :D 

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Av They is trying to kill me - 10 mars 2015 19:13

When you want more than you have
You think you need
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed

En intressant blogg jag hittade för den som vill läsa om mer intressanta saker här. Allt är på svenska för den som har problem med engelskan.


Av They is trying to kill me - 10 mars 2015 18:56

Vettefan om det är någon bra idé att vi börjar experimentera med bubblan som skyddar oss innan vi ens kan göra någonting alls rätt i detta samhälle.

Some of the candidate particles to spray in the air proposed by SPICE are (source):

  • Sulphate/Sulphuric Acid/Sulphur Dioxide
  • Titania
  • Silicon Carbide
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Alumina
  • Silica
  • Zinc Oxide

Some of the key concerns regarding spraying these particles into the atmosphere are not only the potential detrimental effects on Earth’s climate, environment and natural systems, but also the potential effects on human health. These concerns (and more) are currently being and have been examined by various scientists, researchers and institutions around the world.

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Det är lite roligt hur dom har lyckats få hjärntvätt att framstå som om det är något avancerat med hjärnvågar och allt vad man kan tänkas.

1. Education — This is the most obvious, yet still remains the most insidious.  It has always been a would-be dictator’s ultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history.  No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.


2. Advertising and Propaganda – Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need.  This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example.  However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror.  The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement.  Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously.  When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere.  And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.


3. Predictive Programming – Many still deny that predictive programming is real.  I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion. Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed.  Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or“science fiction” and take a close look around at society today.  For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.

4. Sports, Politics, Religion – Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control.  The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer.  The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning.  Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential. Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.


5. Food, Water, and Air – Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy.  Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle.  Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite.  And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

6. Drugs — This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential.  This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World.  Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority.  The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides.  Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25% of U.S children on mind-numbing medication.


7. Military testing — The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control.  The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission.  For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

8. Electromagnetic spectrum  — An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function.  In a tacit admission of what is possible, one researcher has been working with a “god helmet” to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain.  Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”– It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon.  Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.”  The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state.  A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control.  Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality.  One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

10. Nanobots – From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way.  Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.”  Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule. Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival?  Early 2020s.

A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.

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Något som gäller för hela världen egentligen :/

Av They is trying to kill me - 7 mars 2015 00:15

USA behöver sina krig... Pengar är allt, kändisar är det näst viktigaste i mitt liv sådana som Kim Kardashian som är duktiga med sina insamlingar till offren i Filipinerna men som bestämmer sig för att ta 90% av pengarna själv. Det är vad jag kallar en riktig samarit, en vardagshjälte   


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