
Alla inlägg under mars 2015

Av They is trying to kill me - 4 mars 2015 18:51

“Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” — Unknown

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” –George Orwell
Every single word originated from the fallibility of the human mind. Our skulls are like little cul-de-sacs of thought just waiting to spring into words. Our brains are tiny galaxies going through the motion of creating a multitude of thoughts through the firing of billions of synapses. The only way we can share these thoughts with each other is through words. But first our thoughts need to be clear enough to become words.

This seems simple, but sometimes it’s the little things, the basics, that prevent us from being clear with each other. Sometimes getting the horse back in front of the cart is as simple as clearing our minds (the art of no-mind) so that our thoughts are clear enough to become words, while also being okay with the fact that we will never be completely clear on anything — quite the existential gamble.

“No philosophy,” William James asserted, “can ever be anything but a summary sketch, a picture of the world in abridgment, a foreshortened bird’s-eye view of the perspective of events.” So it goes also with our thoughts. Our thoughts can only ever be rough drafts of what we’re perceiving, terse outlines of an unfathomably huge cosmos.

We must first be okay with being tiny cosmonauts in a giant cosmos, both literally and figuratively, so that we can eventually be okay with our words being fallible constructs springing from fallible thoughts. Like Aldous Huxley said, “It is only by taking the fact of eternity into account that we can deliver thought from its slavery of life. And it is only by deliberately paying our attention and our primary allegiance to eternity that we can prevent time from turning our lives into a pointless or diabolical foolery.”

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Av They is trying to kill me - 4 mars 2015 18:50

What is visualization and why is it important to your life? Visualization is the practice in which a person intentionally focuses mental energy on a specific idea, image, or desired outcome for a prescribed amount of time. This is done for the purpose of sending the focused energy out into the quantum field where it can then synchronistically manifest into the life of the visualizer. 

How does this work? First let’s start with the physics perspective of a thought. A thought is a frequency, a vibration. It is ultimately a form with structure. The only reason that the average person cannot ‘see’ a thought wave is because it is too fine of a frequency and our range of vision, the perceptual capability of our eyes cannot pick up on it. This does not mean it is not real. A thought is a thing. Pull up the image in your mind’s eye of a plastic sandwich bag. It is translucent, right? When it’s only one bag, you can easily see through it. Ok now in your mind stack a few more plastic bags on top of that one. Still see through? Yes, but getting a little more opaque. Ok now put 5 more,…10 more…100 bags. Is this stack of bags translucent anymore? No. Why? This is because although it is thin and translucent, it does have structure and eventually, when bound together, the density accumulates and forms something more massive. This is a simple way of explaining how thoughts work in our dimensional reality. So, if you are visualizing, and you spend, say, 15minutes really honing in on one thought or idea and you add emotions to it, pictures, sounds, stories, you are literally building density and next thing you know you have created a real thought structure- a blueprint construction in the template reality. Now this part of your visualization practice is complete and you let it go, you send it out in the universe and allow the quantum field to do its work through synchronicity, allowing it to manifest unto you.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 4 mars 2015 18:46

View your dissatisfaction with life as a message from your inner self: When an aspect of your life is not in alignment with your soul’s desires and your core beliefs and you continuously ignore it, your soul will often rise up in opposition and manifest itself as a debilitating condition such as depression, leaving you with no choice but to spend time in solitude. Isolation from debilitating depression demands you to explore every corner of inner turmoil, inevitably bringing to light the behaviors, actions, hobbies, or habits which are not in alignment with your fundamental beliefs. In solitude, you begin to explore the deepest parts of your inner self, which inevitably leads to the unveiling of the inner conflicts hindering your life. You may find you are unbearably miserable with your mind numbing job that has stripped you of your appetite for wonder, a romantic or platonic relationship, familial discord, the way you allow people to treat you, or a plethora of other things. Whatever it is, inner child work via hypnosis, meditation, and journaling can help you identify it.

Once you identify the root cause of conflict within, it is incredibly important to then take swift and immediate action to dissolve it. Otherwise, if you do not act, you risk worsening your depression by sending a message to your subconscious that although you know what is wrong and therefore what steps you need to take to take to begin healing, you do not think you are worth the effort to take them. Your subconscious is always eavesdropping on your thoughts, and responds accordingly.



Av They is trying to kill me - 2 mars 2015 16:52

Lite filmer och dokumentärer att rekommendera! 

TTC - 12 Essential scientific concepts
TTC - A visual guide to the universe
TTC - Essentials of Tai Chi and Qigong

1. Mission: Blue

Feature documentary about legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle, and her campaign to create a global network of protected marine sanctuaries.

2. Zeitgeist 1, 2, 3

Mythology and belief in society today, presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues.

3. Mr Nobody

A boy stands on a station platform as a train is about to leave. Should he go with his mother or stay with his father? Infinite possibilities arise from this decision. As long as he doesn't choose, anything is possible.

4. Waking Life

A man shuffles through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe.

5. Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

A documentary series that explores how we discovered the laws of nature and found our coordinates in space and time.

6. Virunga

A group of brave individuals risk their lives to save the last of the world's mountain gorillas; in the midst of renewed civil war and a scramble for Congo's natural resources.

7. Inequality for All

A documentary that follows former U.S Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap.

8. Living on One Dollar

An award-winning film that has been called "A Must Watch" by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and Director of The Hunger Games, Gary Ross. Living on One Dollar follows the journey of four friends as they set out to live on just $1 a day for two months in rural Guatemala.

9. Blackfish

A documentary following the controversial captivity of killer whales, and its dangers for both humans and whales.

10. Requeim for a dream

The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island people are shattered when their addictions become stronger.

11. Thrive

An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.


Av They is trying to kill me - 2 mars 2015 13:37

Hemskt hur äldre människor behandlas, trycker i dom massa piller så dom blir mer sjuka är bara en av alla sinnesjuka saker som händer inom äldrevården.

"Personalen ljög och uttalade sig kränkande mot ­strokepatienten Ljudmila Marcic, 78.

Efter flera fall av vanvård vågade hennes son inte längre lämna henne ensam.
Då svarade boendet med att kalla in ordningsvakter för att hålla familjen ­borta."

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Av They is trying to kill me - 1 mars 2015 20:04

Today, I want to talk to you about a sensitive topic to many people… Understanding this, lets flow with the ideas and just be open to everything. I know for many of you reading this, you’re already skipping this part to get on with the real data. For everyone else… understand that this is an exploration of some ideas (both new, and completely ancient), not a statement or action i’m asking you to do. You are free, please make your own choices. 


In the last few years, a lot of hard-scientific research and studies have been produced demonstrating some exceptional qualities of Psilocybin Mushrooms. Psilocybin (the illegal compound found in Magic Mushrooms) actually has been demonstrated to rewire the brain and build connections in the brain. Essentially, they facilitate a synaptic leap between neurons in the brain.

New research conducted at The Imperial College London compared brain-scans of volunteers who had received two milligrams of Psilocybin to those people given a placebo, the results were clear as daylight.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 1 mars 2015 15:23

Det här har man ju märkt själv här i storstaden bland annat men det sprider sig som en löpeld, t.ex när jag pratade med en person som inte visste att Sjön och Skön var två helt olika ord med helt olika betydelser.

"Barn av i dag har inget tålamod. Det måste hända nya saker hela tiden. Var tog stoltheten över att skriva tio perfekta “m” på en linjerad rad vägen? Allvarligt talat, alltså? I dag hafsas det ner tio krumelurer som med lite god vilja skulle kunna tolkas som små hästar på grönbete. Hellre snabbt än rätt.

Och när började barn i lågstadiet säga emot sina lärare? Det är en sak om klassen diskuterar ett ämne där olika ståndpunkter kan vara både rätt och fel, men när det handlar om ordning och reda (i brist på bättre uttryck) i klassen ska lärarens ord alltid, jag skriver alltid, vara lag över sjuåringarnas."

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Av They is trying to kill me - 1 mars 2015 14:42

"Forskarna som söker efter radiosignaler från intelligent liv i universum vill nu aktivt börja sända budskap till främmande civilisationer. Men kritiker varnar för att vi inte vet vilka faror vi utsätter oss och kommande generationer för."
"Att vi skulle vara de enda intelligenta varelserna i det universum vi kan se är svårt att tro. Solen är en ganska ung stjärna, och bara i vår galax finns det miljardtals stjärnor som är flera miljarder år äldre. En del av dem borde ha planeter som påminner om jorden, och på en del av dem borde intelligent liv ha kunnat utvecklas. Det borde alltså finnas intelligenta civilisationer som är mycket äldre än vår och som borde ha hittat sätt att resa mellan stjärnor och solsystem och kolonisera andra planeter."

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Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards