
Alla inlägg den 12 augusti 2015

Av They is trying to kill me - 12 augusti 2015 22:45

1. Keep trying until you get it right.
2. The answer to your question is inside of you.
3. Real wisdom in life comes from doing something and failing.
4. When you start to do meditation you recognize the egotistical mind.
5. We must be both compassionate and resilient.
6. Patience is a virtue.
7. Detach from your ego.
8. In Taoism, they say, “No self, No enemy.”
9. Happiness  come from within, and also comes from outside.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 12 augusti 2015 22:35

Sanningen gör ont men det är dags att vakna upp!

Inte övertygad? Se denna man tala om sanningen då!

Av They is trying to kill me - 12 augusti 2015 16:29

A Man Claims to Have Not Eaten or Drank Any Liquids For 70 Years. Science Examines Him.

Is it possible for us to survive with no food and water? Doctors are trying to determine that as they are baffled by an Indian man who claims not to have eaten or drank anything for the last 70 years. What is even more shocking? He is in perfect health.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 12 augusti 2015 16:18

Hej då "rättigheter" för nu har vi haft en terrorattack som är falskflagg-operation från staten för staten. Mer skatt, mer rädsla kommer det spridas för att ni ska tro att ni är trygga när dom kan göra exakt som dom vill och mörda vem dom vill som dom alltid har gjort. Anna Lindh, Olof Palme för att bara nämna några.


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