
Alla inlägg den 16 januari 2019

Av They is trying to kill me - 16 januari 2019 12:57

Det här är något som man tänker rent spontant borde vara något som skall vara på alla löpsedlar och nyhetsmorgonsoffor men icket. Varför kan man ju alltid undra...

“People with depression have overactive default mode networks and so ruminate on themselves, on their inadequacies, on their badness, that they are worthless, that they have failed — to an extent that is sometimes delusional,” David Nutt, of the Imperial College London’s Neuropsychopharmacology Unit, said to Natural News. “[P]silocybin appears to block that activity and stops this obsessive rumination.”

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Av They is trying to kill me - 16 januari 2019 12:51

En riktigt krigare som kämpar för att hans forskning skall tas seriöst. Han har även tillverkat några produkter från olika svampar som har otroliga egenskaper för människan.

Av They is trying to kill me - 16 januari 2019 12:37

Dalai Lama är en spännande människa, han har många intressanta saker att dela med sig av.

"When I was about 19 or 20 I developed a curiosity about science that had begun with an interest in mechanical things and how they worked. In China in 1954/5 I met Mao Zedong several times. Once he commended me for having a scientific mind, adding that religion was poison, perhaps presuming that this would appeal so someone who was ‘scientific minded’. After coming to India as a refugee I had many opportunities to meet people from many different walks of life, scientists among them. 30 years ago I began a series of dialogues focusing on cosmology, neurobiology, physics, including Quantum Physics, and psychology. These discussions have been largely of mutual benefit. Scientists have learned more about the mind and emotions, while we have gained a subtler explanation of matter."

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Av They is trying to kill me - 16 januari 2019 12:28

Så fort det börjar diskuteras om människorna som deltar på bland annat Bilderberg-möten så är det konspirationer hit och dit som helt plötsligt kastas ut av kontrollerad media, det om något borde vara en varningsklocka för människor. Så fort det börjar nystas i saker som är som dessa så dyker det alltid upp någon ny expert i tv:n som ska förklara saker och tillrättavisa folket.

"If you haven’t already heard by now, yes, a small group of people and the corporations they run completely control all aspects of human life, whether it be health, food, or finance, media and education, each major area and the resources that go into it are dictated and selected by this group. The crazy thing about it is the fact that nobody really knows who these people are, but it’s becoming more clear that our political system, and those who make decisions and set global policy every year, are always in attendance."

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