
Alla inlägg under mars 2015

Av They is trying to kill me - 6 mars 2015 12:18

Poland is witnessing country’s biggest ever farmers’ protest. In February, thousands of Polish farmers in 150 tractors blockaded the A2 motorway into Warsaw. This is March, but the protesters have refused to relent and are adamant that legislators pay attention to the important issue of food sovereignty in Poland. All that the protesting farmers want is land rights, ban on GMOs, protection of small farmers from companies like Monsanto, and legalisation of farm food sales.

The four key demands of the farmers are:

  • Implement regulation to prevent land-grabs by Western companies and to protect family farmers’ rights to land – from 2016 foreign buyers will be legally able to buy Polish land.
  • Ban the cultivation and sale of Genetically Modified Organisms in Poland.
  • Extend inheritance laws to include land under lease as a fully legal form of land use.
  • The government must take action to improve farmers’ position in the market, including the adoption of a law to facilitate direct sales of processed and unprocessed farm products (Poland has the most exclusionary policies in Europe around on-farm processing of food products and direct sales, which make it impossible for family farmers to compete with bigger food companies).

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Av They is trying to kill me - 6 mars 2015 12:09

Take the UN, it has been create especially for the security in the world. We are ready for war, because we have taken every precaution. We have NATO, we have divisions, jeeps, trained people, but what is with epidemics? How many doctors? Do we have as much planes? Tents? What scientists? If there were such a thing as a world government, we would be better prepared.” – Bill Gates (translated from German to English)


It is being pointed out in reports that the idea of a global government, like most Orwellian ideas, is conspiracy theory, but now one of the richest and most influential people in the world is calling it a good thing.

The media often portrays Bill Gates in a positive light, however this is likely due to his funding of major news outlets. He recently made headlines after promoting a plan for digital currency, yet another Orwellian idea, and he has worked directly with the NSA to violate people’s privacy.

While Bill and Melinda Gates pretend to care about issues around the world, including healthcare, a breakdown of their 2012 tax return would suggest otherwise. Among the corporations that received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:


Bill Gates’ interest in a global government has nothing to do with the wellbeing of the world’s population. A system such as the one he’s suggesting would guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality, and a world run by the corporate elite.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 6 mars 2015 12:02

Climate health depends on keeping the oil in the ground in the Amazon and if the world really wants to avoid climate disaster, oil drilling in the Amazon MUST END. The oil industry must STOP destroying the Amazon simply for short-term economic gains.

In May 2014, Ecuador’s government rejected a petition calling for abandoning plans for drilling in the area, saying the organizers had failed to get enough signatures to call for a national referendum. Later in the month, Ecuador signed permits for oil drilling in a 6,500-square-mile area of Yasuni National Park, a UNESCO site and one of the most bio-diverse hotspots on the planet; oil production might begin as soon as 2016.

In June, 2014, a study confirmed oil drilling had contaminated Western Amazon rainforest as companies dumped their drilling waste into open pits or directly into rivers and streams.

This girl pleads for change: “Equador is not going to get out of poverty just because they come and drill for oil in the Amazon. Equador is going to lose the only rainforest that we have left. It’s going to destroy cultures, the environment, and kill plants and animals…That’s not getting out of poverty. If you look at those places where they are drilling oil, those are the regions most people are living with terrible health conditions, and no education; those are the regions most poor”.

Will you wait for the disaster to happen, or will you do your bit to make the climate healthier? Share this video and join her call for change.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 6 mars 2015 00:09


Radar and cameras at the Hessdalen Interactive Observatory, Norway have tracked and filmed numerous un-explainable phenomena – strange balls of light hovering over Norway, the fastest one recorded at 30,000 km per hour. The ‘Hessdalen phenomena‘, has baffled scientists for years. Watch the below video between 48:36 to 51:37 for yourself and witness the unexplained.

NOTE: The first UFO you see is not the one that showed up for the scientists and students in September 2007, it comes shortly after that.

Av They is trying to kill me - 5 mars 2015 13:02

Ämnena finns även i svenska produkter, och rådet från experter är att minimera parfymerade produkter för småbarn

I sex av de tio parfymerna som Norska Forbrukerrådet testade hittades ämnen som i försök på djur har visat sig vara hormonstörande. Hormonstörande ämnen kopplas till bland annat cancer, diabetes typ 2 och infertilitet.


Samtliga undersökta parfymer innehöll en rad allergiframkallande ämnen. Tre av produkterna visade sig också innehålla ämnet lyral som EU:s vetenskapskommitté ville förbjuda redan 2011 eftersom det är starkt allergiframkallande. Då slog experterna bakom rapporten fast att redan små doser kan leda till hälsoproblem.

Bör inte användas

Klädkedjan Zaras Baby Girl Eau de Toilette och Baby Boy Eau de Toilette innehåller lyral, liksom Justin Bieber The Key Parfum Rollerball.

”Alla produkterna i testet innehåller ämnen som kan vara skadliga. Det är produkter som vi inte rekommenderar barn och ungdomar att använda”, säger Forbrukerrådets direktör Randi Flesland i ett pressmeddelande.

”När man gör produkter som riktar sig mot barn och ungdomar bör det vara självklart att de inte ska innehålla sådana skadliga ämnen.”

Lena Nohrstedt, utredare på kosmetikaenheten på Läkemedelsverket, säger att ämnena får användas i Europa och därmed i Sverige. Men de ska deklareras.

— Är man allergisk så ska man kunna se vilka ämnen som produkten innehåller, så man kan välja om man vill använda den eller inte, säger hon.

En analysrapport som myndigheten presenterade 2013 visade att många produkter som riktades mot barn och ungdomar innehöll allergiframkallande ämnen.

— Vi bedrev tillsyn i samband med det. De fel vi hittade var om ämnena inte var deklarerade, och det drev vi att det skulle göras. Några gjorde det, andra drog tillbaka sina produkter på marknaden, säger Nohrstedt.

Ungdomar manas hålla igen

Läkemedelsverkets generella råd är att barn inte ska använda parfymerade produkter eftersom de är allergiframkallande. Svårare kan det vara med ungdomar, som kanske vill spreja på sig tjocka lager med parfymerade produkter. Försök att få dem att hålla igen, är rådet.

— Vad gäller äldre barn och ungdomar kan man försöka få dem att inte använda det som finns kvar på huden. Till exempel så är parfymerat schampo okej eftersom det sköljs bort, men deodorant sitter kvar och det handlar om kontaktallergi.

TT: Hur vanligt är det att parfymerade produkter används på små barn?

— Jag har inga siffror men min uppfattning är att det inte är så jättevanligt i Sverige, om man jämför med till exempel Sydeuropa. Många föräldrar här vill använda så skonsamma och parfymfria produkter som möjligt.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 5 mars 2015 09:46

I Sverige var tvåbarnspappan Amen en frånskild småbrottsling som umgicks med islamister.
Men Aftonbladet kan avslöja hans dubbelliv.
För ett år sedan korsfästes Amen på en dammig fotbollsplan i Jemen av al-Qaida.
Han hade erkänt att han spionerat på terrornätverket för USA:s räkning.
– Jag blev värvad i Sverige av svensk säkerhetstjänst, säger Amen i en video som filmats av al-Qaida före hans död.

Abdulsalam Alsoudi
Sportjournalist i Jemen. träffade Amen i Finland 2003. Blev mordhotad efter att

han skrev om Amens fall och tvingades fly till Frankrike.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 4 mars 2015 19:17

Terrance McKenna är en rätt intressant snubbe.

Data from population surveys in the United States challenge public fears that psychedelic drugs such as LSD can lead to psychosis and other mental-health conditions and to increased risk of suicide, two studies have found.

In the first study, clinical psychologists Pål-Ørjan Johansen and Teri Suzanne Krebs, both at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, scoured data from the US National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an annual random sample of the general population, and analysed answers from more than 135,000 people who took part in surveys from 2008 to 2011.

Of those, 14% described themselves as having used at any point in their lives any of the three ‘classic’ psychedelics: LSD, psilocybin (the active ingredient in so-called magic mushrooms) and mescaline (found in the peyote and San Pedro cacti). The researchers found that individuals in this group were not at increased risk of developing 11 indicators of mental-health problems such as schizophrenia, psychosis, depression, anxiety disorders and suicide attempts. Their paper appears in the March issue of the Journal of Psychopharmacology

The findings are likely to raise eyebrows. Fears that psychedelics can lead to psychosis date to the 1960s, with widespread reports of “acid casualties” in the mainstream news. But Krebs says that because psychotic disorders are relatively prevalent, affecting about one in 50 people, correlations can often be mistaken for causations. “Psychedelics are psychologically intense, and many people will blame anything that happens for the rest of their lives on a psychedelic experience.”

The three substances Johansen and Krebs looked at all act through the brain’s serotonin 2A receptor. The authors did not include ketamine, PCP, MDMA, fly agaric mushrooms, DMT or other drugs that fall broadly into the category of hallucinogens, because they act on other receptors and have different modes of biochemical action. Ketamine and PCP, for example, act on the NMDA receptor and are both known to be addictive and to cause severe physical harms, such as damage to the bladder.

“Absolutely, people can become addicted to drugs like ketamine or PCP, and the effects can be very destructive. We restricted our study to the ‘classic psychedelics’ to clarify the findings,” says Johansen.

The 'acid casualty' myth
“This study assures us that there were not widespread ‘acid casualties’ in the 1960s,” says Charles Grob, a paediatric psychiatrist at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has long has advocated the therapeutic use of psychedelics, such as administering psilocybin to treat anxiety in terminal-stage cancer. But he has concerns about Krebs and Johansen’s overall conclusions, he says, because individual cases of adverse effects use can and do occur.

For example, people may develop hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), a ‘trip’ that never seems to end, involving incessant distortions in the visual field, shimmering lights and coloured dots. “I’ve seen a number of people with these symptoms following a psychedelic experience, and it can be a very serious condition,” says Grob.

Krebs and Johansen, however, point to studies that have found symptoms of HPPD in people who have never used psychedelics.

The second of the new two studies, also published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, looked at 190,000 NSDUH respondents from 2008 to 2012. It also found that the classic psychedelics were not associated with adverse mental-health outcomes. In addition, it found that people who had used LSD and psilocybin had lower lifetime rates of suicidal thoughts and attempts.

“We are not claiming that no individuals have ever been harmed by psychedelics,” says author Matthew Johnson, an associate professor in the Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. “Anecdotes about acid casualties can be very powerful — but these instances are rare,” he says. At the population level, he says, the data suggest that the harms of psychedelics “have been overstated”.

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Av They is trying to kill me - 4 mars 2015 19:10


Psychedelic mushrooms are notorious for producing dazzling hallucinations.  But they can do a lot more than provide you with a trip.  New research shows that they actually have long-last positive effects on the brain.

In fact, a mind-altering compound found in some 200 species of mushroom is already being explored as a potential medical treatment for depression and anxiety. People who consume these mushrooms consistently reported feeling more optimistic, euphoric, and clear-minded years after their experience. Imagine being able to receive a prescription for mushrooms!

An interested study sought to understand why it is the human brain experiences permanent transformation after mushrooms. According to a study published today in Human Brain Mapping, the mushroom compounds could be unlocking brain states usually only experienced when we dream, changes in activity that could help unlock permanent shifts in perspective.

The study examined brain activity in those who’d received injections of psilocybin, which is the active psychedelic compound within the mushrooms. Despite a long history of mushroom use in spiritual practice, this was the first real study done to investigating the biological changes that occurred during and after a psilocybin trip.

According to Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, a post-doctoral researcher in neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London and co-author of the study, the 15 participants were found to have increased brain function in areas associated with emotion and memory after receiving their injections. The effect was strikingly similar to a brain in a deep dream sleep state.

“You’re seeing these areas getting louder, and more active,” he said. “It’s like someone’s turned up the volume there, in these regions that are considered part of an emotional system in the brain. When you look at a brain during dream sleep, you see the same hyperactive emotion centers.”

The brain may literally be slipping into these dream states while the user of the substance is still awake.

Areas of the brain involved in high-order thinking and refined cognitive operations were less active during the trip. “These are the most recent parts of our brain, in an evolutionary sense,” Carhart-Harris said. “And we see them getting quieter and less organized.”

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